43 Inspiring Project Management Quotes

Updated Dec 2, 2022.

As a project manager, you can get confused or even frustrated. Handling a new project can arouse feelings of fear. If you are not careful, you may fail.

In handling a project, you need all the inspiration you can get to lead and manage a team effectively. When you feel you have hit a dead-end, you need inspiring quotes to keep your spirit positive.

Fortunately, I have gathered the best project management quotes to inspire you and help you on your journey as a project manager.

These quotes contain everything that concerns project management, from effective planning to leadership, communication, teamwork and collaboration, execution, failure, rewards, and goals. Keep reading to get inspired as a project manager.

Actionable Project Management Quotes To Guide You

“No matter how good the team or how efficient the methodology, if we're not solving the right problem, the project fails.
— Woody Williams

The whole concept of methodology is geared towards raising structure and organizing work methods. A good team is also needed to solve issues and tasks.

However, in the execution of projects, what profit is it that there's a good methodology and a good team, but the wrong problem is being solved?

In project management, it is ideal for identifying the key problem and task needed. Never assume what the problem is. There is a chance that you might be wrong.

Therefore, to achieve success in a project, you need the right team, the right methodology, and then the right problem. Only a good problem can give the right answer. A wrong problem can give birth to a solution, but it may not be the one needed at the time.

“In poorly run projects, problems can go undetected until the project fails. It's like the drip… drip… drip… of a leaky underground pipe. Money is being lost, but you don't see it until there is an explosion.”
– Joy Gumz

Effective project management takes a lot of time, money, and effort. However, the “efforts” factor has a lot of heaviness. It takes a truly intelligent and dedicated leader to manage a project effectively.

This means that the project manager must be actively involved in the project; otherwise, he won’t see the signs of a potential problem if it becomes too large that it badly affects the project.

There are a lot of reasons why a project fails. These include low budgets, insufficient resources, a low workforce, and team inefficiency. If these problems are not detected on time and tackled, they can lead to even bigger problems and possibly the project's abrupt end.

“Project management is like juggling three balls – time, cost, and quality. Program management is like a troupe of circus performers standing in a circle, each juggling three balls and swapping balls from time to time.”
— G. Reiss

Program management is the tougher elder sibling of project management. It involves handling several projects that are linked together. Program management requires more discipline, commitment, and effort.

While a project manager oversees every task involved in a project, the role of a program manager encompasses all of it and even more. However, the most important factors for both managers are time, cost, and quality.

Time here can be referred to as the deadline; the cost here is the budget, and quality here could be the project's quality. As a project manager, you are in charge of all these.

A good mastery of time, cost, and quality are needed to ensure a project is properly executed. This ensures that a project is effectively delivered. Your ability to juggle all these and maintain a good result is a top-notch quality of a great project manager.

“Trying to manage a project without project management is like trying to play a football game without a game plan.”
– K. Tate

One of the key ways to successfully manage a project is to plan. Project Management, in simple terms, is the planning, initiation, execution, managing, monitoring, and controlling of a project. Creating a plan is the first thing a project manager does.

A project action plan is like a game plan that shows everybody what they are supposed to do and the direction they should take to reach the goal.

Without a smart plan, your team will run on what they “feel” is right, not on what “is” right. In fact, recent project management statistics show that 39% of projects fail due to a lack of proper planning.

When things go awry, you refer to your plan to know what went wrong, how to fix it, and what steps to take next. You need to create an effective work plan for your projects. If you don't have a plan, your project risks failing.

Project management is more than just overseeing the entire project phase. It also involves planning to accommodate and tackle potential project risks that may affect the project's success.

“Operations keep the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward.”
— Joy Gumz

Your job as the project manager is the most important among others. Without your efforts, there will be no project. Your job is to ensure that the project is running and everyone involved is actively playing their role.

Good operation and strategy keep the project going. However, a project manager controls the strategies and operations of a project.

“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.
— Peter Drucker

The real power of a plan comes into action. This is where the effectiveness of the plan is tested and tried. It is easy to make a plan, but it takes intentionality and discipline to follow it through to the very end.

Part of the roles and responsibilities of a project manager is to ensure that everyone involved in the project follows the project plan you created. Everyone has to be actively involved and committed to the project. This is where the benefits of teamwork come in.

“As you navigate the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people's ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.
— Amy Poehler

An essential part of project management is teamwork and collaboration. In fact, one of the best qualities of a great leader (a project manager) is to delegate authority and value the importance of teamwork. Although you are the head and the person in charge of the project, you should also learn to cherish your team members’ opinions.

Collaboration happens when everyone is involved, and their contributions are appreciated. We all need each other to strive and survive.

Communication is equally very important in teamwork. Your knowledge may be limited in certain areas, and an experienced team member can provide help in that aspect. It would be best if you were willing to learn, unlearn and relearn.

Moreover, it is very important to surround yourself with people who will challenge you to action, inspire, and push you to take certain steps. Your circle matters a lot. Imagine being with a set of individuals who believe and swallow everything you say without asking questions or doubt. It generally means your circle is not intellectual enough.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
— George Bernard Shaw

Communication is one of the most vital factors of effective management. Communication between you and your team and you and the stakeholders is very important and can affect the project's status.

Communication allows projects to progress smoothly and on time. It ensures that team members understand the project goals and are on the path to achieving the set and desired goals. Effective communication breeds trust in your team and stakeholders; everyone works together to set the project up for success.

In project management, communication is sharing ideas between people in the same team to achieve the same result. Good communication ensures that each member knows the task and the expectations..

When there's poor communication in project management, team members become isolated and disconnected from the project's goals, expectations, tasks, and duties. Once there's no effective communication, conflicts and disagreement are bound to occur. There could be mistrust, poor dissemination of information, missed opportunities, and deadlines, all coming from poor communication.

As a project manager, ensure a free flow of information at every project step. This is both between you and your team.

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.”
—  Jack Welch As, the former CEO of General Electric

Every project has a goal, and it is the job of the project management to ensure that the goals are met. The goal is the purpose of the project. As a project manager, you are most passionate about the vision and move to complete it.

Aside from being passionate about the vision, you also ensure that your team members are equally passionate about achieving the vision. Every plan you create should ensure the vision becomes a reality.

The best way to do this is to create a project plan and a vision board. You can post the vision board in the office for everyone to see. Your vision board reminds you and your team about your goals. It also motivates you to keep working.

“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.
— Kenneth Blanchard

True leadership is done by example. Through influential leadership, you impact those around you. This “impact” includes the values you instill in your team members. Project management is not just about ordering your team on what to do. It also involves showing them what to do and how to do it.

Leading by influence generates a positive response from your team members. Because they are watching you and seeing your work and energy towards the project, your team members become motivated and committed to achieving even better results.

Influence is the new authority in the working sector. People don't care about how much power you have; rather, they are interested in how much value you can give them.

“Those who plan do better than those who do not plan, even though they rarely stick to their plan.”
— Winston Churchill

A proper project plan provides a clear foresight into the execution stage. It will save you time, energy, and money you would have spent rambling around. A lack of a proper plan is the beginning of project failure. In fact, you cannot hope for success if you don’t have a plan.

A plan prepares you for potential challenges. You know what to expect and plan towards it. This reduces stress and saves you more resources. You can always refer back to your plan when things start going south.

Another important reason you should have a solid project plan is that it encourages communication. Now, imagine if there was no plan and everybody is doing what they think is right, there would be no good communication structure. Even worse, people would rather work alone, and there will be no good teamwork and effective collaboration.

Although creating a plan is very crucial to the success of a project, revisiting the plan is also very important. You cannot create a plan and just forget all about it. You need the plan (blueprint) to guide your steps in each project stage.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
— Michael Jordan

Talent is never enough. If you rely purely on talent and have no teamwork, there is a huge risk of failure. A project is made successful due to the collective efforts of everyone involved.

Teamwork promotes creativity from each team member. This is because everyone brings in their idea and contribution to help improve productivity. Through joint brainstorming ideas, team members can access their inner creativity. This will enable them to bring unique ideas to the table.

One of the best ways to promote teamwork as a project manager is by showing your team the value of teamwork instead of working in isolation. You can encourage them to meditate on inspiring teamwork quotes. Through these quotes, they can see the importance of teamwork in handling their responsibilities.

Additionally, ensure your team has easy access to the best teamwork and collaboration software. This way, each team member can collaborate wherever they are in the world.

Teamwork is made easy with the right tools. Effective team engagement builds trust. Everyone is actively involved in the team and does not feel left out or isolated.

“Project management can be defined as a way of developing structure in a complex project, where the independent variables of time, cost, resources, and human behavior come together.”
— Rory Burke

Project Management involves making something simple out of a complex task. It produces a structure out of a complex project.

This means that a task considered to be tough or complex can be broken down into simpler and understandable tasks with project management. It can give structure to something that has no structure.

In this structure, there are a lot of variables at play. There's the time that equates to deadlines. There's a cost that equates to budget, resources that equate to non-cash needed to accommodate the project like software, and human behavior equates to a team.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
— Steve Jobs

An employee engagement statistics report discovered that happy employees are more productive than unhappy employees by 12%. Doing what you love boosts productivity. This is because you become more passionate and committed to ensuring you get the best results. You find out that you tackle every tough situation with a positive attitude.

Your attitude towards your job and its responsibilities largely affect your productivity level.

This is because passion creates room for daily and constant improvement. Challenges and obstacles are bound to occur, but your love for what you do is the ship that will push you through. You use those challenges to scale higher because you love what you do and can't imagine a life outside it.

Loving what you do is already an energy and productivity booster. It enhances performance at the workplace. People passionate about what they do are easily motivated, inspired, optimistic, learn faster and make better decisions.

You can never give 100% to a job you don't love. No matter how motivated you are with money, status, and anything, you won't give your 100 percent to a task you don't love. Remember, 100% is never the same as 99.9%.

“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans: it's lovely to be silly at the right moment.”
– Horace Mann

Rigidity doesn't keep the ball rolling all the time. A little seriousness, a little fun; that's what will keep the ball rolling. That's what will constantly keep your team motivated and working.

A good leader knows when to calm down and interact with the team. Light-headedness can reduce tension, allowing employees to relax and think creatively.

Wearing your team out to beat deadlines and achieve success can result in fewer quality projects. If you need high-quality work, learn to mix seriousness with some foolishness that you can otherwise call fun.

Take a look at this practical example, imagine working with a team where all you do is scream, shout and talk about a project all the time you're in the workplace. You also take the project home and expect everyone to be at the edge for any task. Your team becomes terrified of you. They do things to avoid issues with you, not necessarily because they are inspired.

Let's look at another scenario where you engage your team in a break or hangout. Creatives need motivation, and the motivation can come from hangouts. It's not wrong to encourage creative breaks and fun hangouts to lay off stress and work tension.

A happy team gives you good quality work, whereas an unhappy one can give you half-baked work.

“A good plan can help with risk analysis, but it will never guarantee the smooth running of the project.”
– Bentley and Borman

A plan is but only a tiny piece of the entire puzzle. In project management, there's the planning stage, the execution stage, the monitoring, and the controlling stage. All these stages are very crucial to a project’s success. Leave one behind, and the entire project suffers.

To excel as a project manager, you need to learn to strike a balance between all the stages. Leaving no room for relapse in any stage. If a stage fails to meet up, the other stages suffer the repercussions. The best way to avoid this is to strike a balance. Know when to activate and press a pause on each stage. Know when a stage needs maximum attention.

“If an IT project works the first time, it was in your nightly dreams. Time to wake up and get to work.”
— Cornelius Fichtner

Always expect serious challenges. Be prepared to fail. It takes a lot of trial and error to succeed in something as challenging as project management, especially if you are a first-timer.

The work requires a lot of effort from you. Therefore, don’t hope to have a smooth and easy ride.

One of the biggest challenges in project management is managing a set of people from different backgrounds. You are responsible for solving problems and resolving conflicts among team members when they arise. These conflicts also contribute to project failure.

“No major project is ever installed on time, within budget, with the same staff that started it.”
— Edwards, Butler, Hill, and Russell

One key thing you should know about managing major projects is that there will always be a lot of challenges. Therefore, you should always prepare ahead for them. Every project has its major challenges. No one has ever gone smoothly.

Because these challenges will always present themselves, smart project managers always create a plan B. This is the plan they fall back on when the initial plan fails. In this plan, you make provisions for standby workers and resources. These will come into action when the first set of resources has been exhausted.

A smart project manager knows how to turn a disadvantage into a strength. As you plan the project's duration, you also include time in case of unforeseen delays. Be adaptable and flexible.

“Managing projects, people, conversations, and resources are all part of a puzzle that you cannot solve without the leadership mindset.”
— Sandeep Kashyap

As a project manager, you are already a leader with a team of employees ready to follow your directions. Your ability to control and manage this team stems from your leadership.

However, you cannot effectively lead without the right leadership mindset. You are not just managing projects but also in charge of people and resources. Knowing this is who you are, you must live up to that responsibility.

Know that you are a project manager with leadership skills. Your ability and skills can make all things work or divide all things. You develop the right attitude and skills for effective leadership with the right mindset.

If you have never recommended canceling a project, you haven't been an effective project manager.
— Woody Williams

One of the perks of being a project manager is the challenges and obstacles you face during the task. No successful project management has ever witnessed failures, backlash, and obstacles.

Some obstacles become so overwhelming that the tendency to quit becomes glaring. At that stage, you cancel the project stating it's not worth it.

Anytime you feel you've hit a brick wall in project management and decide to quit, know that that's when you need to keep moving. Getting to such a stage means you've been doing well and daring.

Being a project manager is like being an artist. You have the different colored process streams combining into a work of art.
— Greg Cimmarrusti

Your work as a project manager is to bring all the different stages in project management and make them work together to form a successful project. The process may not be amazing, but the results are amazing.

Every stage is like clay you mold into what you want it to be. Moreover, project management tests your creative and logical thinking skills. It requires your intelligence and problem-solving skills.

Therefore, you plan how you get the different resources to work together to achieve the set goals. You can create a project management calendar to keep track of all your tasks and activities.

Knowing that you need people to get involved, strategize and manage people who fail to accomplish.

To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe. Don't forget that there are plenty of other sources of inspiration!
— Anatole France

All the great leaders who have ever caused a change didn't just wake up one morning to make it happen. They first dreamt of it, desired it. It was this deep desire that made them passionate. People who burn for change dream of change. If you can dream it, then you can do it.

While it is good to make plans, what use is the plan if you don't put it into action? People can only believe in you as much as you believe in yourself. If you need to believe in your dream and what you stand for, believe first in yourself.

As a project manager, there's inspiration all around you. You are surrounded by inspiration. First, the desire to turn the vision into a reality should be enough motivation to take action. Remember, a good leader creates vision.

“Project managers function as bandleaders who pull together their players, each a specialist with individual score and internal rhythm. Under the leader's direction, they all respond to the same beat.”
– L.R. Sayles

A good project manager has the duty of being responsible for everyone. Yes, you are not just managing a project, but you are managing people too. There are diverse kinds of people in your team. These are people with different backgrounds all coming together to achieve the desired goal.

Your mastery over how to keep everyone in check and together is needed. This is where your people skills come in.

Excellent leadership is needed in project management to manage, control, and be responsible for diverse people from diverse backgrounds and actions. These are also people with several talents. If there's no team, there will be no project.

Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.
— Winston Churchill

The only thing you can ever get out of worrying is fear. Constant worrying and overthinking only lead to procrastination and fear.

Have you ever seen a situation where worry became a solution? No, it doesn't happen. Worry doesn’t have that effect. It is not a problem-solving skill.

Instead, the best thing to do in a tough situation is to go back to your action plan and strategize. This is where your creative and analytical thinking skills come into play.

One of the best qualities of an excellent leader is proactiveness. Proactiveness also includes actively looking for solutions to a problem as soon as possible. A proactive manager knows that there will always be project management challenges to overcome, so he prepares for it. Therefore, that time you may waste worrying, you should give it to thinking and restrategizing with your team to solve challenges.

“Why do so many professionals say they are project managing when what they are doing is fire fighting?”
– Colin Bentley

Remember, project management involves initiating, planning, executing, managing, and controlling a project. It follows this order; execution cannot occur when planning hasn't happened.

Project management requires a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Many companies prefer to hire an experienced project manager ready to do the work. If you are not careful enough, as a project manager, your plan and the entire project may blow up in your face, and you take in all the blame.

As a project manager, your reputation is on the line. So you fight to ensure a good success score, even if it means making sacrifices. Even if you are just a new project manager, it is very important to understand project management basics. This knowledge will help you effectively manage a project from the initial phase to the last one.

“A task is not done until it is done.”
— Louis Frie

Most times, we tend to call things a done deal when they are not yet a done deal. Are you aware that without approximation, 99.9% is not the same as 100? You still need 0.1 to make it 100.

So, it is in projects. A task is not done until it is done. When you share tasks, never take it that you've done all you need to do, and the tasks are already done right now.

A good project manager pays attention to every little detail. EVERY LITTLE THING!

While you break tasks into project milestones, it is important to note that every milestone is very important, and if you ignore one, it may affect the project's success. A can task can only be done when you take action and see it through to the end.

Leadership Quotes About Project Management

Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with vision is making a positive difference.
— Joel Barke

If you're interested in making an impact with the change you have to offer, there must be a place where vision meets action. Your vision is not enough until there is an action, and your action is not enough until there's a vision.

Project managers are leaders, and leaders are good vision creators. Good leaders don't just create a vision; they also run with the vision. Action is what turns the vision into a reality, and a vision is what gives the actions meaning.

You need the vision to manage a project or any other task effectively. A vision directs your path. It clears the way and gives you focus. After the vision, the plan (mission) comes next. A mission is a laid-out plan of how you intend to reach your vision. Without your mission, you can't achieve your vision. And without your vision, the mission won't exist.

“Projects progress quickly until they become 90% complete; then remain at 90% complete forever.”
-– Edwards, Butler, Hill, and Russell

Burnout is possible. In fact, it is so common that it affects a lot of projects. Often, you move with so much energy and zeal towards a task. You put in your best and all you've got into it. You even go-ahead to get people into this task, motivating and inspiring them to give their best. But when you are almost at the end, everyone is either burnt out or no longer interested.

Lack of interest is one of the major causes of project failure. Along the line, team members start to lose interest. This is most common in long-term projects or projects that take longer to finish than the initial time.

Another primary cause of lack of interest is when problems go unsolved, and it keeps piling up till almost everyone loses interest. Whenever a challenge poses itself, the best thing to do is to tackle it immediately. The more you procrastinate, the larger the problem becomes till you can’t move forward anymore.

“Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.”
– Henry Mintzberg

No matter how you want to look at it, project management is craftsmanship. It involves putting your intelligence, creativity, and logical thinking to the test.

You know when to bring out your creativity and how much logic thinking to put in. Additionally, you analyze situations, knowing when to take a risk or when to lay low and replan your steps.

At the end of everything, you see that project management is not for the weak-minded.

Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome.
— John Kotter

Effective leaders are charged with motivating, inspiring, and guiding an organization to realize its mission. Nonetheless, understanding your role as a leader can help you contribute meaningfully to achieving your company's objectives.

As a leader, effective leadership not only steers but identifies, understands, and conveys the organization's vision to motivate others to support them in accomplishing objectives.

Clear and concise communication is very important in helping others understand the necessity of a vision. As a leader, you need excellent communication skills to pass across ideas and suggestions to your team effectively.

“As has been taught to teachers of the Harvard Business School, the art of asking good questions is often the most important element of managerial tasks.”
— Parte Bose

How well do you ask questions about tasks before delving into them? Asking questions is part of in-depth research. Although it is hardly stated as part of the job description of a project manager, it is essential.

One of the biggest mistakes ever made as a project manager is to make assumptions and rely on those assumptions. For example, you assume a client wants their project delivered in 7 months, but in reality, the deadline could be in 5 months. Assumptions cause misinformation, which in turn can risk project failure.

Stop making assumptions about people's actions, and learn to probe the thoughts of your subordinates and bosses. Sometimes, they pretend to understand and agree, whereas deep down, they don't have anything.

Equipped leaders are those that ask questions. A good project manager asks these set of questions:

  • Questions about themselves. You analyze yourself to know your strengths and weaknesses and also to know if you are capable of handling the project.
  • Questions about plans and projects. This is where you ask the clients about their expectations for the project and any other important information they need to know about the project. This gives you a better and clearer understanding of what the project is all about.
  • Questions about team members: You cannot effectively lead a team if you don’t know your team members' abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. You ask these questions to know more about your team members. This will help you know how to delegate responsibilities.

Aside from these top areas, you can also ask questions about the organization. You can never go wrong with asking questions. Well, except they are questions with obvious answers. You ask questions to ensure you, your team, and the clients are all on the same page.

“True motivation comes from achievement, personal development, job satisfaction, and recognition.”
— Frederick Herzberg

People become more motivated to get better results when they feel a sense of achievement. In truth, positive results are the biggest motivators to do better. You feel powerful, successful, and encouraged.

As a project manager, you encourage your team to bring in their best efforts for the project’s success. When the project succeeds, your team members feel inspired and motivated to carry on more tasks when needed.

Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”
– Mattie Stepanek

In teamwork and collaboration, each team member has the same overall goal. Everyone knows what they are supposed to do and is actively involved in it. Each team member knows that no matter how small or big his task is, it still significantly affects the project.

One of the most important tasks of a project manager is choosing the right team. You want a team that is open and willing to collaborate and learn. A team that values communication and prioritizes quality work over any other thing.

Every stage in a project is very important. You need active team members at every stage to ensure a successful process. Therefore, you must carefully analyze your team and tackle any conflict.

“He has half the deed is done who has made a beginning.”
— Horace

This quote can be paraphrased as “He who has made a beginning has done half of the deed.”

No matter how complex a situation or a project is, the most important thing is taking a step. Often, a project wasn’t completed on time because it wasn’t started early. Most project managers tend to plan and over plan that they end up procrastinating the execution stage, thereby delaying the project altogether.

After planning, the next phase is executing. This is the phase where the main action begins. Don’t spend so long planning when you could have started taking action already.

“Project managers rarely lack organizational visibility, enjoy considerable variety in their day-to-day duties, and often have the prestige associated with work on the enterprise's high-priority objectives.”
– Meredith and Mantel

Project visibility ensures a clear picture of the project performance, including potential risks, distribution of responsibilities, and the overall project goals. Project visibility encompasses clear communication, good document management, and project status transparency.

Your project's visibility can be improved by building a good communication plan, establishing good working relationships with stakeholders, giving access to online tools that allow collaboration and sharing, and being transparent.

Projects fail when there's a lack of transparency, communication, poor planning, unclear objectives, and Inconsistent resources.

If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.
— Brian Tracy

Willingness is the first step in improving the quality of any work. It takes courage to accept that work needs improvement and being willing to effect it is a feather in your cap.

If you are willing to put in the work and commitment, you are ready to produce improved results. Good quality results come from intentional actions you put towards achieving your goals.

“Collaboration is important not just because it's a better way to learn. The spirit of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives. So learning to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for effectiveness, problem-solving, innovation and life-long learning in an ever-changing networked economy.”
— Don Tapscott

A successful business or project requires team collaboration. Collaboration takes in people's opinions, ideas, skills, and experiences. When team members work together, processes and goals align, leading the group towards a higher success rate of achieving a common goal.

With the ever-changing competition in the workplace, collaboration has become necessary. It improves productivity, spurs creativity, and increases employee satisfaction. Through effective teamwork and collaboration, team members learn much from each other personally and professionally. They can also get support from each other regarding challenging tasks.

Collaboration is a full package that involves problem-solving, innovation, learning, and equipping for effectiveness. With collaboration, there is a more engaged team. For collaboration to take place, there ought to be trust, tolerance, and self-awareness.

There are no failures — just experiences and your reactions to them.
— Tom Krause

Failure doesn’t matter. They happen all the time. What matters is how you handle it.

The fear of failure is so strong that many project managers prefer not to take risks but stay in their comfort zone. This fear especially comes when you are managing a large project.

The irony of life is that there is no success. All the best project managers have experienced failure in one way or another. When you allow fear to overwhelm you, it affects your actions. It can affect your performance negatively.

One of the best ways to overcome the fear of failure is through risk management. Risk management is a crucial skill project managers should have. It involves the ability to identify, track, and manage potential risks and minimize their negative effect on the project.

Risk management requires you to be proactive. If you are so clouded with thoughts of failure, you will not be proactive enough to notice actual potential risks.

Asides from this, if the failure has already happened, it is important to identify the cause(s) of the project failure. This will help you restrategize your action plans and improve better on your subsequent projects.

Failures are disguised success but depend on how you look at it.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
– George Bernard Shaw

Let me rephrase this quote by saying, “The reasonable man follows the normal way of doing things. But the unreasonable man always tries to find an excellent and different way of doing the same things”.

The smartest people are those who want to create extraordinary results. They don't follow the regular rules. Instead, they create their own rules. These people are ready to take risks and dream big.

If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.
— Kim Robinson

If you are not ready to take risks, you are on your way to mediocrity. Mediocre people are afraid to take risks, so they settle for whatever scraps they can get.

However, some people are ready to take the dare and go for the excellent results they want. These are people that won't settle for less.

If you're scared of being wrong in anything, you will not produce anything original and extraordinary.

To achieve success, accept your mistakes, learn from them, and look for methods to make them better. You can't amend mistakes, but you can still and always learn from them.

If you want to be original, don't hold back in making those mistakes.

“Project management is the art of creating the illusion that any outcome is the result of a series of predetermined, deliberate acts when, in fact, it was dumb luck.”
– Harold Kerzner

Project management is designed to better use existing resources by getting work done within the company.

Project management could result from dumb luck to some people, but is there dumb luck that is accurately calculated and predetermined. Project management is all about a series of predetermined and deliberate acts.

Collaboration is the best way to work. It's the only way to work. Everyone's there because they have skills to offer across the board.
— Antony Starr

Knowing how to collaborate well with others will help you and your team achieve better outcomes. In collaboration, there's communication, sharing of knowledge, and strategy.

The best form of work is collaboration. It creates a healthy environment for a team to stand and achieve success. Everyone has something substantial to contribute to a team.

However, teamwork and collaboration must work well in a healthy work environment. This means effective communication, a positive attitude, and employee engagement. This positive environment boosts employee morale and improves productivity.

As a project manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that your team members are exposed to a healthy working environment and that their collaboration is effective.

Improve With These Project Management Quotes

As a project manager, whether new or old, you can agree that managing a project is not easy. There are many areas to look out for. You have to ensure you have access to the best project management software and other adequate resources, to run the project and manage your team.

These responsibilities can get tiring over time. You will learn some very important advice about leadership and personal development by meditating on these quotes about project management and following effective project management principles.

Each quote contains a key lesson to learn. Every lesson is to help you improve your skills and believe in yourself.

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Anastasia Belyh

Editor at FounderJar

Anastasia has been a professional blogger and researcher since 2014. She loves to perform in-depth software reviews to help software buyers make informed decisions when choosing project management software, CRM tools, website builders, and everything around growing a startup business.

Anastasia worked in management consulting and tech startups, so she has lots of experience in helping professionals choosing the right business software.